
Giving Makes the Heart Happy

Many Americans are moved at this time of year to contemplate their own blessings and to think about how they can help others. Here are a few ways where it’s a win-win every time. It’s so easy to help others and enjoy the process with these local happenings.

Help families get safe and affordable homes. On Thursday, November 24th from 11 a.m. -7 p.m., Harbor Docks in Destin will celebrate the 22nd anniversary of Thanksgiving dinner with Habitat for Humanity. Okaloosa Habitat coordinates volunteers to serve as wait staff who will donate their tips to help families in need of better housing. Harbor Docks is known for its delicious food so guests can anticipate an incredible dining experience that also benefits those in need.  The annual Thanksgiving event has become a welcomed tradition to families along the Emerald Coast both as guests and volunteers.

Empower those with developmental disabilities. Thursday Dec 1st from 5:30- 8 p.m. G & Co. Gallery of Destin will be sponsoring Art with a Heart to benefit The Arc. The Arc provides services that work to include all children and adults with cognitive, intellectual, and developmental disabilities in every community. While you sip complimentary wine and peruse fine art, The Arc’s new CEO will talk about how they focus on abilities, respect and encourage active citizenship for all who struggle with autism and other disabilities.

Give gifts that support local artists. The Art and Design Society of Okaloosa County’s Arts and Crafts Christmas Market is scheduled for November 14th -December 17th. Located at the Art Center on 17 First St., Fort Walton Beach, FL, this is a grand opportunity to buy unique gifts. Local artists will be displaying handmade jewelry, paintings, clay works, decorations, photographs, and note cards, all reasonably priced and one-of-a-kind. 

Published on Tuesday, November 15, 2016