October Festivals to Really Fall For

October is probably one of the absolute best times to visit the Emerald Coast- the weather feels like paradise, the summer traffic has ebbed and there are so many outdoor events that you can only experience along the Gulf Coast! Plus, because our coastal area spans the landscapes of white-sand beaches all the way to pine forests we’ve got quite an array of activities to keep us entertained.
On the western side of the coast in Santa Rosa County you can playfully get lost in a corn maze, go zip-lining through the treetops and take a tour of some of America’s oldest- and perhaps haunted- homes in the northern part of the county. The listing of events in The Beaches to Woodlands Tour offers a nice alternative for those who don’t consider themselves beach bums.
Now if you head to the northeast and happen to find yourself along the Destin harbor anytime during the month of October you’ll get to experience one of Destin’s most famous festivals- The Destin Fishing Rodeo. I happened to walk past one of the daily weigh-ins (located behind AJ’s on the harbor) and I was so impressed by how organized the bleachers were around the weigh-in spot and how truly exciting it was to see who caught the biggest fish!
I highly recommend this event even if you aren’t that interested in fishing. If you are interested in fishing- well, this is your happy place. Plus, each evening along the harbor there is live music and entertainment at more than one harbor restaurant. A crowd favorite is Fish the Days and Rock the Nights which is every Saturday during the tournament. A free concert, cold drinks and fireworks at 9 p.m.? Yes, please! Or as we say in the South “Happy Fall Y'all!”
Published on Saturday, October 15, 2016